Holiday Season
Well, sadly Christmas is over once again. It seems as though I spent all of December longing to go home for Christmas, and now in some kind of crazy whirl-wind it has all ended and I'm back in Melbourne. Every year my family have a few traditions that we tend to stick to, one being the Christmas lunch (usually with extended family) and the other being our Christmas Eve snacking, drinking and present-opening session (this is my favourite). This year I even had a bit of fun dressing up in a Christmas outfit, although I'll spare you the details of that embarrassment! I ended up with the task of decorating the table for Christmas lunch. My mum had already bought the paper decorations to hang, so I decided on folding the serviettes into the shape of Christmas trees using a simple folding technique, and laying them out on the dinner plates. Everything felt suitably Christmassy and now I just wish we could do it all again... but I guess I will have to wait for December 2014!